Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Re-imprinting... with a little help from my friends

Your brain is like a computer. Your own personal O/S is imprinted into you very being. An imprint of religion, an imprint of gender, an imprint of nationality, an imprint of politics, an imprint of consumerism, an imprint of education. Blow them all up with a Molotov cocktail of enlightenment! write a new O/S of your choosing! your beliefs are bullshit no matter what; so at least make them fun, artistic, and creative. Life is but a game we play, so write your own rules! There is no "true self" just masks that the void wears. Use LSD to imprint Beatles albums into your subconscious: It's getting better all the time!

Monday, September 10, 2007

3 card Tarot for this week

Past : Death
Present: Six of Swords
Future: The Magician

Reading: Pretty much straight forward, from death or transition begins a journey toward magical awareness and produced results.

Freedom Ain't Free

Free Your Mind. Liberate yourself from the indoctrination of society, culture, and your schooling. Reprogram your brain. Load the entire universe into a cannon and fire it into your frontal lobe. Blaspheme your own beliefs. Become someone that you hate. Pronounce a death sentence on consumerism. Put a brick through your TV. Firebomb all 23 Starbucks on your block. Plant a tree in a SUV. Release a cow in McDonalds. Start your own religion. Elect yourself Pope. Excommunicate everyone else. Look at yourself in the mirror. See your reversed self. Become that person for a day. or a a week. or a year. or forever. Anoint yourself with the menstrual blood of Gaia, the semen of Cronus, the shit of Prometheus, and the transcendental piss of Christ. Eat Filth. Smoke your dead skin cells and get high. Grow your toenails ten inches long. Cut open your chest to see whats inside. Spike candy with LSD. Buy a homeless man crack. Make your enemies heads explode with your mind. Free the insane from asylums and elect them to congress. Find truth. Reject it. And ABOVE ALL ELSE: Doubt everything, even your own doubt. For nothing is true, everything is permitted.

Saturday, September 8, 2007

Chaos into Kaos

cracking open your skull and spreading your conciseness amongst the cosmos may not be for everyone, but once reality begins to bend around you there is no going back some doors are opened for eternity and they can never be shut. life in the flesh is a strange commodity for beings of light and energy to us the guardians of the threshold may seem hostile and malicious daemons of legend and myth you cannot escape you must give in to the Fear and become one of them only then can you proceed. for now that barrier of Sanity/Insanity has been collapsed you are now neither you are un-sane. normal reality no longer exists as such you are forever conscious and aware of the fact that what you see as truth is not really truth at all but an illusion that we create ourselves to protect us from the real infinite uncertainty that is Kaos.